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Total count: 7276
Created on 14 April, 2009by spencerpaul
Time: 00:44:18
Slides: 47
Views: 3,041 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Microsoft 2019 Mortage
Stephen Elop: Wharton Business Technology Conference
Full speech text can be found here.
Created on 27 May, 2009by vista2007
Time: 00:05:37
Slides: 61
Views: 3,022 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
What's your favourite colour?
English colours book.
Created on 22 March, 2009by ana
Time: 00:01:00
Slides: 10
Views: 3,017 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Tutorial Vcasmo
Tutorial Vcasmo
Created on 07 March, 2013by antonialberich
Time: 00:03:21
Slides: 20
Views: 3,008 | Comments: 18 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Web 2.0 投影片講義
知道Web 2.0的意義嗎?能帶來什麼好處? 如何貫徹精神呢?有Web 3.0 嗎?
Created on 17 July, 2007by Bing
Time: 00:02:00
Slides: 24
Views: 2,980 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 1
VCASMO Demonstration for Communications 2.0 Meeting
This is a quick demonstration to show how VSCAMO works by role modeling a 57 second video with synchronized slides. I used my Macbook and iMovie to cr...
Created on 05 November, 2007by lkless
Time: 00:00:57
Slides: 5
Views: 2,960 | Comments: 2 | Favorited: 1 | Rating: 3
Guía Semanal
Guía Semanal
Created on 05 November, 2009by pepios
Time: 00:01:10
Slides: 7
Views: 2,936 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
I costrutti di Didattica della Matematica in situazioni d'aula
Presentazione del corso di formazione a cui hanno partecipato i docenti dell'Istituto Comprensivo "C. Goldoni" di Martellago (VE), che hanno realizzat...
Created on 09 February, 2009by anafesto
Time: 00:12:07
Slides: 12
Views: 2,933 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
VvAA Belastingworkshop 2010
Vind je het invullen van de belastingaangifte lastig? Ook dit jaar moet jouw aangifteformulier Inkomstenbelasting weer tijdig ingediend worden bij de ...
Created on 25 January, 2010by vvaa
Time: 00:11:20
Slides: 18
Views: 2,901 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Perles du BAC 2007
source :
Created on 25 April, 2008by positiver
Time: 00:02:32
Slides: 38
Views: 2,901 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0

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