The world is changing but research can help shape the future Speaking at the BIG Conference 2010, Circle Research's Claire Fenner explores the impact of key economic, social and technological changes on B2B rese...
El toro valiente Cuento realizado por un alumno con dificultades motóricas y psiquicas para contar a través de un KAMISIBAY
" 點解我嘅保險貴咁多?" 和好朋友見面時最開心莫過於那種天南地北無所不談的感覺,
談談興趣、近況、時事、是非、感情事.... 那開懷的感覺比得上做 1 小時的帶氧運動, 有時交流一下理財的事也很平常,試過有客戶問我:「點解我保險費同我朋友相差咁大呢?」 原來是和朋友閒談間發現,大家雖然年齡、收入相近,但保險開支卻大相逕... |