Dashboards at Oxford - The University of Manchester John Ashley (Business Support Manager) and Damien Otway (Assistant Mechanical and Energy Engineer) from the University of Manchester talk about Maches...
Solarsoul Shining Sleep (intro) Solarsoul Shining Sleep (intro)
голос Ирины Давискибы запись и обработка моя (Женя DJ Dew) |
Suplemento Impacto Octubre UPSUR Las actividades evangelisticas en el Suplemento Impacto Octubre Union Peruana del Sur.
What is Creation Evangelism? This is the first lesson in our series on Creation Evangelism, which focuses on why the book of Genesis is not only relevant, but crucial to sharing t...
Introduction to the Project ‘Political communication in new democracies’ Katrin Voltmer-University of Leeds-Introduction to the Project ‘Political communication in new democracies’